Dr Fiona Smith
GP Partner
I graduated from Newcastle Medical School in 2009. After I completed training in both Newcastle and London, I started at JHP as a partner in 2017. I’m a Member of the Royal College of GPs and hold a Diploma in Sexual and Reproductive Health.
Following the merger of JHP and Gosforth Memorial in April 2024, I am one of four partners responsible for delivering services to patients across our 4 sites in Gosforth and Jesmond.
I graduated from Newcastle Medical School in 2009. After I completed training in both Newcastle and London, I started at JHP as a partner in 2017. I’m a Member of the Royal College of GPs and hold a Diploma in Sexual and Reproductive Health.
I have a special interest in gynaecology, especially family planning and contraception. I insert and remove contraceptive implants and also remove intrauterine coils.
Geriatric medicine is another special interest, and I’m also the lead GP for Diabetes in the practice.
I‘m part-time, and work at both No 17 and No 200.
Newcastle 2004, RCGP
Family Planning
Geriatric Medicine
Working Pattern
Part Time
Jesmond Health Partnership
17 Osborne Rd
Newcastle upon Tyne